• console.inactivity_warning in JS

    From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to Digital Man on Saturday, January 25, 2025 14:18:50
    Re: ctrl/sbbs.ini src/sbbs3/answer.cpp getkey.cpp inkey.cpp js_console.cpp
    By: Rob Swindell (in GitKraken) to Git commit to main/sbbs/master on Fri Mar 17 2023 07:26 pm

    - Removed JS console.inactivity_warning

    I'm curious why this was removed? I may actually have a use for it in DDMsgReader.

    MaxSessionInactivity (default: none/unlimited) - Each configured
    external program/door in SCFG can have its own maximum inactivity setting (or else the session max inactivity is applied)

    Was console.inactivity_warning removed because of this change? DDMsgreader could be set up as a loadable module, where there is no setting for a maximum inactivity. In that case, it seems to be using the inactivity setting which I believe is configured in SCFG > System > Advanced Options > Maximum User Inactivity?

    I had some custom input logic I wrote for DDMsgReader years ago, before KEY_PAGEUP and KEY_PAGEDN were added to key_defs.js. Since those are there now, I am considering using console.getkey() instead of my own input function. One thing I'm running into is that after the 'Are you really there?' text is displayed and I press a key, the display of things gets a bit wonky in DDMsgreader, like the cursor has moved which has pushed things around a bit. I'm thinking if I had a way to detect that the 'Are you there?' warning was displayed, maybe I could refresh the screen to make it look proper again.

    For instance, I made a few screenshots:
    Reading a message, before the 'are you there' text (looks good): http://www.digitaldistortionbbs.com:81/synchronet_stuff/reading1.png
    'Are you really there?' - Still looks okay: http://www.digitaldistortionbbs.com:81/synchronet_stuff/reading2.png
    Then when I press a key, things get a bit wonky - It looks like everything gets pushed up a few lines:


    þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Nightfox on Saturday, January 25, 2025 16:04:51
    Re: console.inactivity_warning in JS
    By: Nightfox to Digital Man on Sat Jan 25 2025 02:18 pm

    Re: ctrl/sbbs.ini src/sbbs3/answer.cpp getkey.cpp inkey.cpp js_console.cpp
    By: Rob Swindell (in GitKraken) to Git commit to main/sbbs/master on Fri Mar 17 2023 07:26 pm

    - Removed JS console.inactivity_warning

    I'm curious why this was removed? I may actually have a use for it in DDMsgReader.

    MaxSessionInactivity (default: none/unlimited) - Each configured external program/door in SCFG can have its own maximum inactivity setting (or else the session max inactivity is applied)

    Was console.inactivity_warning removed because of this change?

    No, the configurable warning duration was changed from being a number of seconds value (which was problematic in some cases) to being a percentage of the maximum inactivity. I could calculate the configured warning duration and make that a read-only property, if that'd be useful.

    could be set up as a loadable module, where there is no setting for a maximum inactivity. In that case, it seems to be using the inactivity setting which I believe is configured in SCFG > System > Advanced Options > Maximum User Inactivity?

    If "it" is console.getkey() and getstr(), yeah.

    I had some custom input logic I wrote for DDMsgReader years ago, before KEY_PAGEUP and KEY_PAGEDN were added to key_defs.js. Since those are there now, I am considering using console.getkey() instead of my own input function. One thing I'm running into is that after the 'Are you really there?' text is displayed and I press a key, the display of things gets a bit wonky in DDMsgreader, like the cursor has moved which has pushed things around a bit. I'm thinking if I had a way to detect that the 'Are you there?' warning was displayed, maybe I could refresh the screen to make it look proper again.

    You could override the AreYouThere text.dat string to maybe execute some JS code that does what you need/want?

    For instance, I made a few screenshots:
    Reading a message, before the 'are you there' text (looks good): http://www.digitaldistortionbbs.com:81/synchronet_stuff/reading1.png
    'Are you really there?' - Still looks okay: http://www.digitaldistortionbbs.com:81/synchronet_stuff/reading2.png
    Then when I press a key, things get a bit wonky - It looks like everything gets pushed up a few lines: http://www.digitaldistortionbbs.com:81/synchronet_stuff/reading3.png

    I'm not surprised since DDMsgReader is a "full screen" type script. You could either set the AreYouThere text.dat string to blank, in which case the InactivityAlert text.dat string is sent instead (just some beeps as I recall), or replace AreYouThere with something that works better for a full screen script.
    digital man (rob)

    Rush quote #41:
    Angels and demons dancing in my head, lunatics and monsters underneath my bed Norco, CA WX: 60.9øF, 45.0% humidity, 5 mph S wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs
    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to Digital Man on Saturday, January 25, 2025 16:26:36
    Re: console.inactivity_warning in JS
    By: Digital Man to Nightfox on Sat Jan 25 2025 04:04 pm

    No, the configurable warning duration was changed from being a number of seconds value (which was problematic in some cases) to being a percentage of the maximum inactivity. I could calculate the configured warning duration and make that a read-only property, if that'd be useful.

    That's okay. A percentage would work too (if I go that route).

    You could override the AreYouThere text.dat string to maybe execute some JS code that does what you need/want?

    I'm not surprised since DDMsgReader is a "full screen" type script. You could either set the AreYouThere text.dat string to blank, in which case the InactivityAlert text.dat string is sent instead (just some beeps as I recall), or replace AreYouThere with something that works better for a full screen script.

    I may do one of these things. Thanks.


    þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com